Welcome to River Energy, LLC.

“We guarantee our clients that we will be well researched, well thought out, innovative, persistent and tenacious in our endeavor to provide the lowest cost for their energy needs.”

Energy trading and transportation is what we do! We trade energy products on a daily basis and firmly believe in a cost plus approach as opposed to a flat priced scenario.

We manage the supply of energy products by:River Energy

  • Procurement
  • Transportation
  • Commodity price risk mitigation
  • Load management

We are not a supplier and do not represent any particular supplier, but represent the end user of the energy product – YOU! So our allegiance is to you, our client. Your best interests are our best interests.

14 benefits to having River Energy as part of your team:

  • 25 years+ of trading and transportation experience
  • Transparency for all transactions
  • Multiple options for minimizing commodity cost and risk
  • Customized levels of service
  • Experienced, objective cost analysis
  • Verification of pricing
  • Long term planning
  • Extensive knowledge of the industry
  • In depth knowledge of the market
  • We keep suppliers honest
  • Flexibility
  • Professionalism
  • Clarity for all transactions
  • And our favorite – creating opportunity where none was thought to exist!

Not all energy products are a readily transparent marketplace. We provide you with transparency and clarity for all transactions.

In addition, energy supply agreements are unique as the supplier still determines the price. At River Energy, LLC, we structure supply agreements based on actual market values instead of proprietary indices or quotes from an internal trade desk.

Due to our daily market presence, we know where the energy market is trading. So, put simply, we keep suppliers honest.

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